Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hi to Everyone

I hope that you are all well!
Gee it's been a long time since I blogged but I have been so busy and I have been teaching a class that did not have blogs.

Happily today my new class started blogs so hopefully I will get back into the swing of things. One new student Ismail took to it like a duck to water and even in his first blog had posted many photos of his trip to Morialta Falls.

We are getting used to our new home in Grenfell Street and our new equipment and many new teachers. Also Erica, our Director of Studies is leaving us early in September. It will be sad, as she has been at PCE for a very long time and will be interesting to get used to a new DOS. You definitely don't get bored working here.

Now that I am back, I hope to post some new snaps of my darling little grandaughter Domenique who is nearly 4 months old now.


Ismail_02 said...

Hi Anna,
This site is really intresting, I just checked your blog archive congratulations to be a garandmother. I also checked some of your previous students blogs.

I was studying for the next mondy exam before a couple of hours, I hope that we all do well on it. And I am so sad that Kansai students will leave us soon.

Me-Z-Me said...

hi anni,

how are you?

i really happy for you because you have a baby. and you can play with her anytime these days you'll has a lot of memories with her.

so i advice you to take a lot of photos.

you will be enjoy if you see these photos in the future.

your young son
(majed zagzoog)